Thursday, February 17, 2011

Top Recommendations For Ab Workouts

If you're wondering which ab workouts really get the job done, don't worry, lots of other people are trying to figure this out too. Sadly, there isn't a single exercise that works best for all people. The real secret is that you need to do a variety of exercises that work your whole body and you need to do them regularly. However, there are some specific workouts that are great for your abs, and you should definitely include these if this is an area you want to target. We'll look at a few of them in this article.

Some of the very best ab workouts won't even require you to leave your house to get them done. One of these is the bicycle exercise. Obviously there are benefits to be gained from bicycle riding and there are stationary bicycles at the gym but it is possible to do an effective copy cat exercise at home that simply mimics the motion of pedaling. Just lay on your floor or (better) on an exercise mat. Place your hands behind your head and your knees at about a forty-five degree angle and do a pedaling motion, while touching each of your knees with the opposite elbow. Do this exercise slowly at first, and you can gradually build up speed and the number of repetitions you do.

You may not think of trampolines as the ideal ab workouts, but in many ways they are. You can even benefit from the trampoline in a small or limited space by using a mini trampoline. These are highly efficient and not very expensive units you can buy online or at fitness stores. Lots of people think that jumping on a trampoline is fun and it is a great way to do low impact aerobic exercises that are good for the whole body. There are books, websites, videos and DVDs that will explain the specific exercises you can do on a trampoline but even just jumping up and down can offer some exercise and burn some calories while you tone your body (which includes your abs).

When you work your abs you can also do leg lifts. These are simple but powerful exercises that can make a real difference if you practice them consistently. Lie down on your back with palms flat down on the mat. Keep your legs a little bit bent and then raise them up as high as you are able to, hold them up for two seconds and then lower them back down to the floor. At first, you might have issues raising your legs too high but don't worry, as long as you get them off the floor, the exercise will help you and, if you keep at it, you'll be able to get them higher eventually.

To sum up, plenty of people worry about working the abs, they worry more about this than any other types of workouts. However, it's best to focus on doing some proven workouts on a regular basis, along with eating a healthy and moderate diet. No ab workout in the world is perfect. The only way to get the physique you want is to work at it and be patient. Short term and long term goals are the best way for you to track and appreciate the progress that you are making.

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