Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The effortless way to cut your calorie intake

Dieting is all about watching how many calories you eat during the day. Your body only needs so many calories to fuel it, and if you consume more than that amount then your body is going to need somewhere to store it, which is where your fat deposits come in, usually on your butt and stomach. I find it happens that way anyway! I know that many people would argue with my statement above, and say that the amount of calories you eat is not as important as where you get them from.

I do agree with that statement too, you are probably not going to lose weight if the small amount of calories you do eat a day comes from greasy fatty food! But it also works the other way, I know it would be hard to do, but if you ate 5,000 calories each day just from fruit and vegetables, you are still going to put on weight, rapidly.

Here are 3 ways you can lower your calorie intake without too much effort:

Don't buy groceries while hungry - This tip will sound strange at first, but if you have ever been grocery shopping while really hungry then you know that lots of naughty but tasty food seems to creep into your cart. So save the grocery shopping until after you've had a full meal and you won't end up coming back with a load of stuff you don't need and yet feel compelled to eat.

Start snacking before you meals - This is similar to the tip above. If you organize and eat a main meal when you are hungry then you will probably cook yourself more, or try to grab some sort of fast food as you just want something to eat quickly. However if you have a healthy snack before you get a main meal ready then you won't be so tempted to pig out.

Choose healthier food - Healthy food will generally have fewer calories in it than the salt and fat laden junkfood that most people prefer. There are always exceptions to the rule of course, and eating masses of healthy food will still add up the calories, but if you start to cut out the fried food from your meals and instead add in vegetables, then it can only do you good.

If you follow all three of those tips then you should have cut your daily calorie intake down considerably, without really even trying. To increase the effect then start to combine those tips along with a reputable diet and you can start to see the excess weight melt off.

A good system you might want to consider combining with these tips is the Medifast diet, it is one of the leading diets on the market today and you can read all about it in this Medifast diet review.

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