Monday, January 30, 2012

An Introduction To Smokeless Cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes certainly has ill effects on the health. Big cigarette companies would spend practically billions each year trying to promote their product and making it appear that smoking is cool and can make you attractive to beautiful women. If you look at TV advertisements of cigarettes, you will see that smokers are always, always, surrounded by beautiful and sexy women.

This makes the viewer think that smoking makes a man looks cool and makes ladies appear sophisticated. Big cigarette companies never really reveal how harmful cigarettes are to the health. But of course any sensible person should know this because cigarettes emit smoke. Smoke itself is a pollutant to the environment. And, this same smoke is inhaled and absorbed in the body whenever a person smokes a cigarette.

Although big companies argue that there is no direct link between smoking cigarettes and cancer, many people have died due to lung diseases for the last thirty to forty years because of excessive smoking. On the other hand, nicotine in cigarettes are not that harmful, except that it produces ugly stains on the teeth. But despite the ill effects of smoking, many people find it difficult to quit. Other product manufacturers know of this predicament and created an alternative to smoking.

Then,smokeless cigarettes were introduced. Smokeless cigarettes is not harmful to the health because it produces water mist instead of smoke. Smokeless cigarette also have variants such as nicotine, low nicotine, and nicotine free. Minus the harmful smoke, using smokeless cigarettes taste no different than smoking regular cigarettes.

The cigarette butt also comes in many fancy colors such as purple, red, black and tangerine. The cigarette light also comes in different choices. You may purchase one which produces yellow, red, orange and blue light. A pack of smokeless cigarettes costs more than ordinary cigarettes, but they last 5 times as long as ordinary ones so you eventually save money. Read smokeless cigarettes review online to get to know this product better.

Hash:Jaemy Grawlin-yLapw5PnKFknShTUHYca

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