Monday, January 30, 2012

How I Got To Quit Smoking

Since I was raised by a family of smokers, I realized that quitting smoking was very difficult for me to do. My father smokes a pack a day, while my mother smokes 2 packs a day. In his early 60s, my dad was diagnosed with Tuberculosis. Despite the treatment, the doctor eventually told us that there was a hole in his lung in the size of a pingpong ball.

This was what they normally called a "cannonball" hole in the lung. It was already in the late stage when we eventually found out that he had cancer. In as short as 3 months, the cancer cells spread like wildfire and affected his kidneys, spine, bone marrow, and blood. And, in as little as 3 months, my father passed away from multiple organ failure.

But, even when he was already bedriddem, he never quit smoking. After his meals, he would ask for a smoke of cigarette because according to him, the aftertaste of food made him want to throw up. My father's passing made me want to quit smoking for good.

I was desperate and found numerous ways in order to do so. But none proved effective. Then I heard about smokeless cigarettes from a friend who uses them. I got encouraged to try it but I never really knew much about the product. So, I went online to do my research and started reading the smokeless cigarettes review.

So, I bought a pack and found out that it was indeed more expensive than normal cigarettes. However, a single cigarette can last 5 times as much as a normal cigarette, so this means that I eventually save money. The cigarette also comes in a stylish packaging and it also comes with a battery, charger and a cartridge. At first, I used a low nicotine smokeless cigarette, and after a finishing a pack, I found myself comfortable with a nicotine-freesmokeless cigarette. This ended my cigarette addiction and it may have actually saved my life.

Hash: Jaemy Grawlin-iWKYw6RqphyfdXuIZozs

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