Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Benefits Of Using A Smokeless Cigarette

While you're looking for smoking cessation products, you've probably come across smokeless cigarette reviews. But what exactly are smokeless cigarette? These products, also known as electronic cigarettes or e-cigs, are battery-operated devices that usually resemble tobacco cigarettes but produce inhaled mist instead of smoke. They come with an atomizer, usually fused with the cartridge, which transforms the liquid in it into vapor. They still contain nicotine, and are thus marketed as nicotine replacement therapy product. You can also find those without nicotine, or have reduced nicotine content.

A smokeless cigarette produces inhaled mist that is similar to the smoke produced by traditional cigarettes, but without the odor, harmful substances and toxic products of combustion that are present and produced by the latter. From this perspective, one could assume that e-cigs are a better alternative for smokers. The American Association of Public Health Physicians concurs to a certain extent, saying that they recommend the use of electronic cigarettes to adult smokers because of the high probability of decreasing the morbidity and mortality related to tobacco smoking.

Also, since electronic cigarettes produce odorless and colorless vapor, one can typically smoke them in areas or establishments that disallow smoking like in airport lounges. Also, using these devices means that no smoke odor will permeate your clothing or hair. Using smokeless cigarettes is also cheaper than smoking traditional cigarettes. The unit itself will cost you around fifty to one hundred dollars, but these are typically reusable and refillable. A replacement cartridge for the electronic cigarette is equivalent to two packs of tobacco cigarettes.

At the same time, since the harmful effects to your health are reduced with the use of e-cigarettes, you will save money since you will have fewer hospital visits and stays. E-cigs can be bought on the web or from local retail outlets, although it will be more convenient to purchase from the former. Aside from being convenient, the ones you can buy over the Web are typically much cheaper. There are also more choices on the Internet.

Before buying, read up on Smokeless Cigarettes review because there are some of them found to contain diethylene glycol, instead of propylene glycol. Also, reading these reviews will help you identify if the product uses diethylene glycol rather than propylene glycol. Diethylene glycol is a substance used in antifreeze and it is poisonous and is known to cause cancer in humans. Also remember, that nicotine dependence and poisoning are still possible since some of these devices still contain the said substance.

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