Monday, October 31, 2011

What is the real truth behind health and fitness

It is usually a good idea to ignore the idiots at the gym who think they know what they are talking about. While it is possible to get 'some' good tips for your workout, it's more likely that you'll pick up false information although not intentional. Just like any other situation in life where people don't know as much as they claim to. Use only sources that are credible. These tips can help you get the best information.

One perennial urban myth that has assumed legendary proportions is that using an ab machine/device and doing crunches will help rid you of fat in the midsection. We are always amazed to actually hear this. Plus, we have seen the late night infomercials that do seem to imply you can lose the belly fat with some whiz-bang ab blaster-dissolver-vaporizer thing. Belly fat is exactly what it implies, and that is a direct reflection on your percentage of body fat. You will see your ab muscles, such as they are, once you lose enough fat so your abs become visible. We have all heard that exercise will help you have more energy. That is true and offers a great benefit for those who regularly exercise. In fact, very many people who exercise in the morning report that they feel energized for the rest of the day. There are several reasons for the increase in energy, and just one of them is that your blood circulation increases. When your circulation is improved, then your cells are receiving a higher amount of oxygen. Related to that is your strength and stamina will improve with working out. So if you have more stamina, then naturally you will feel like you have more energy.

One truth about fitness exercises is they are great for your mental horsepower. In other words, working out helps to make your brain more powerful and operate at a higher level of performance.

Research has shown that regular exercise has a great effect on blood circulation. Of course that means in your brain as well. Also, exercise increases the serotonin level in your brain. The effect of more serotonin is an increase in mental clarity. We think that is pretty fascinating and certainly a good thing. If you are totally new to working out, then health and fitness truths and falsehoods are more important than ever. The reason for that is simply that you are in the early stages of fitness habit formation. If you cultivate the wrong or incorrect habits, then obviously you will be setting yourself up for a hard re-education in the future. Proper habits are crucial to your personal success plus whether or not you continue on with your fitness program. This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on black wigs.

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