There is a lot of information available that will advise you on how to save money on your train trip. What if I was to tell you that you could not only save money but actually make it? This sounds good doesn't it? You may be surprised to find out that there isn't just one way of making money from your train trip; there are lots of ways. The following are just a number of these ways.
- Writing an account of all the places that you travel through on a train and then adding it to a blog later is something that you can do. It is possible to create practically hundreds of articles just about the one trip and if you attract enough visitors then you could make money from advertising. If you are successful enough you will not only recoup the cost of your trip but also make enough for many more trips in the future. However one point to mention is the fact that there is a lot of competition in the travel blog industry so you will have to have something interesting to say to make your blog stand out.
- You could always write an eBook about your trip and then put this up for sale on Amazon. There are many people out there who would be willing to buy your book and it is quite easy to produce an eBook these days. There is a great market for travel books and the eBook market has actually exploded recently.
- Take along your camera and take plenty of pictures during your trip. You could create a photo journal and sell it or sell the photos to a photo stock firm.
- Buy things that you think others would like and then sell them for a profit when you get home on eBay. Selling things that they have bought on their travels is something that a lot of people do; in fact this is what they do for a living.
It really is great getting an English ferry (tunnel sous la manche) for a trip to the UK. Very often, though, many enjoy the delights of the Channel Tunnel (tunnel sous la manche). Anybody interested in staying in England (sejour angleterre), these are the best ways to go.
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