Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This article will go over the truth and lies about health and fitness.

Imagine the frustration of discovering that you've been performing the same exercise wrong for years. Think about the person who gets injured because of incorrect form and information. These are very real considerations and they happen to people all the time. That is why it's so important to make sure you get your information from experts and credible sources. Your health depends it and bad information is rampant. The world of health and fitness are no different so here's some solid information for you.

It has been said that if you use an ab machine or device and do crunches you will help to rid your body of the fat in your midsection. The late night infomercials seem to imply that you can lose belly fat if you use some whiz-bang ab blaster-dissolver vaporizer thing. Your percentage of body fat is reflected on your belly fat. To see your ab muscles you have to lose enough fat to make your abs visible. Find a nice pair of red reading glasses and then concentrate to those ideas.
The only real way to get results is with the "no pain, no gain" rule. That statement too is incorrect because of the potential for serious injury. There is of course a difference between having a good workout and being in serious pain. What we are discussing here is not normal muscle soreness that you may feel after a workout involving unused muscle groups, but instead the pain in your body that does not stop quickly, stop immediately. If you have injured yourself, you want to stop exercising to avoid increasing the level of your injury.
Engaging in a quality fitness routine will help improve your physical and mental performance, as well. Greater strength and stamina will help improve your physical performance. Exercise also gives you a greater degree of clarity which obviously helps with mental performance. When people exercise regularly, they carry those positive habits to other areas such as their diet and nutrition. These myths occur in every aspect of fitness. Sometimes they are general statements while other times they are specifically related to various types of physical exercise. Do your research and think about what you are doing before you do it.

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