Sunday, December 25, 2011

Easy Ways To Eat a Low Carb Diet

More people are carb conscious due to the popularity of the Atkins diet and South Beach. People with weight problems often blame it on eating too many carbohydrates. Not all carbohydrates are bad for you, though. Some are very good. Athletes eat foods rich in carbs before an event for a reason. Carbohydrates, the good kind, give you energy! The trick to eating well is not to cut out all carbs (doing that is very unhealthy no matter what is written in those Atkins books). The trick is to eat a low carb diet and concentrate on eating only good carbs. Here are some tips on how to do that. By the way, you should definitely have a look at Shakeology highly recommended. Read this Shakeology review for more info.

Eating lots of meat is considered one of the perks of eating a low carb diet by some. When starting on a low carb diet, many look forward to this part of the plan. Eating lots of meat is encouraged because most meats don't have carbohydrates. Some meats that are good options are beef, chicken, and seafood. So when you see a person eating a hamburger wrapped in lettuce instead of on a bun, this is the reason. This is good news if you are one of those people who loves to eat a lot of meat.

Lots of people assume that one of the best things about eating a low carb diet is that you are free to eat lots and lots of meat. It is true since meat is mostly carb free, but you shouldn't eat just any cut of meat. There are unhealthy elements to meat, such as fat. So, when making your meals, you need to choose lean meats. Be sure to get lean cuts of the beef, chicken, and fish already mentioned. You will be healthier when you limit the fat in your meat dish.

Instead of using tortillas, serve the fillings in a bowl. While you may have to do more dishes, it's worth it to limit your carb intake, right? Everything from fajitas to breakfast burritos can be just as tasty when eating off of a plate or out of a bowl. You still cook everything the same, but rather than putting everything into a tortilla, you use a bowl.

Pretty much the only thing that this won't work for is the quesadilla. A bowl of melted cheese isn't an appetizing meal.

Following a low carb diet can be accomplished in several ways. Low carb diets don't have to be difficult. If you use these tips, you can feel full but still eat a limited number of carbohydrates. You can live a regular life while limiting your carb intake. Eventually the conscious choices you make will be little more than habit. You won't even notice the difference after awhile. All you'll know is that you are feeling better than you felt before! Before you go, don't forget to check out this article about a Shakeology scam warning.

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