Saturday, March 12, 2011

Scott Sonnon's Tacfit Commando Program Review - Is It Worth The Money?

Tacfit Commando by Scott Sonnon is a very popular body weight workout system.
In this Tacfit Commando Review we will take a look at this program and learn what are the advantages and disadvantages of The Tacfit Commando.

Tacfit Commando Review - What Precisely Is Tacfit Commando?

The Tacfit Commando body-weight workout system is a highly modern program developed by one of the most renowned strength professionals on the earth, Scott Sonnon. In his system Scott Sonnon works in the direction of creating workouts that can increase freedom of movement and additionally increase functional strength on the same time.

Scott Sonnon provides 2 variations for his Tacfit Commando Program: The Basic Program and the Deluxe Program.
In short listed below are the elements of each package:

The Basic Program includes:

1. The Main Handbook

2. The Objective Calendar

3. Movie Objective Briefing Instructional Library

4. Solution Recuperation Strategies of the Unique Ops Video clip Collection

The Deluxe Program includes:

1. Follow-Along Mission Simulation Movies

2. Rapid Healing & Breathing Secrets of the Spec Ops

3. The Tactical Readiness Diet Plan

4. The Warrior Recipes Manual

5. "In The Field" Downloadable DVD

Now let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of the system:

Tacfit Commando Review - The Advantages and disadvantages

The Advantages

Can Be Completed Anywhere Without Special Equipments

In Tacfit Commando there isn't any necessity to use any equipment in order to totally maximize the benefits of this system.

It Takes A Short Time

In Tacfit Commando you just need about half-hour of your time for training. Troopers do not have a lot time for relaxing, they have strict schedules to follow so half-hour a day is all you need.

The 60 Days Guarantee

The program comes with 60 days money back guarantee and in case you are not completely glad, you'll receive the money back.

Comprehensive Program From A Fitness Professional

There is no doubt that Scott Sonnon is an expert in this field. Scott has been around the block and has trained numerous military units to achieve fight readiness. You need to be an expert to train top Israeli military units and the man isn't even an Israeli which makes it even more incredible.

The Cons

The Deluxe Edition Is Much Better Than The Basic Edition

The dietary guidelines section and warriors recipe part by Scott Sonnon are available just in the deluxe program of Tacfit Commando. In my view they must be included in the basic program as well since they are very important.

It's Not For "Model" Purposes

The main objective of the Tacfit Commandp workout system is to gain functional strength of the body. If your main goal is to get a desirable fat loss in a short time or building the body like a male model, this training program will not be for you. It isn't exactly a con but something that it's best to know.

Some Hard Workouts

A few of the workouts in Scott Sonnon's system are hard to do. It can take time to get into the groove of the system, so be aware of it once you get it and take the time.

I hope that this information on The Tacfit Commando system was helpful for you.

For more information about this product and to find how you can get the entire system for the cheapest price online check the complete review on Tacfit Commando.

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