Saturday, December 31, 2011

Why You Gain Weight And How You Can Control It

Weight loss has become a serious issue in our society. At this day and age that vanity is the greatest fad, and the demand of the baby boomers are based on health and beauty, the drive for weight loss is at its peak.But more than the cosmetic point of view, there are a lot of health reasons as to why you may need to lose weight. Calories is the biggest addiction of our generation. Most of the food that we consume is made of junk that our bodies do not need anyway.

It makes us wonder though that with all of our efforts to lose weight, what happens is the contrary.There are several reasons as to why we gain weight. Sleeplessness is a contributing factor. The best type of rest is sleep. With lack of sleep, the physiologies of our bodies are affected. With less sleep, our bodies become more efficient at storing fat.

Stress can be found at every corner in our modern environments. The current economic conditions require us to do more, a whole lot more. And with tons of stress, our bodies tend to react in a way that it slows down our metabolism in order to store fuel. Our bodies think that since it is experiencing a lot of stress, it needs to store more food as fat in order to have energy reserves.

There are some medications that cause us to gain weigh. Even if you haven't done anything to change your lifestyle and even lowered down on food consumption, you could still be wondering why you are still gaining 5 to 10 pounds a month. These meds have a lot to do with prescription.There are also medical conditions that can cause a person to gain weight. Hypothyroidism causes a person to gain weight. Diseases like these cause hormonal imbalance which in turn affects metabolism.

Menopause also causes weight gain. Due to the decrease in the production of some hormones, your body may also gain some weight.An effective way to lose weight is through the combination of healthy weight loss and exercise. Meratol is a weight loss pill that works in four ways - reduce urge to consume carbs, reduce calorie absorption, reduce body fat conversion and increase calorie burn. Meratol reviews indicate that these are healthy weight loss pills.

Hey! Like this article, it was written by Terry Wieralld

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