Monday, October 31, 2011

You Can Improve Your Health And Appearance With Resistance Training

While almost any type of exercise can be beneficial, there are particular benefits from doing resistance training that you can't get from anything else. That's why, even if you already engage in some kind of aerobic activity, such as running, using a treadmill or taking an aerobics class, you should consider adding some type of strength training as well. As you continue reading, you will see our discussion of some of the benefits that resistance training can offer.

The local gym, which it used to be filled with younger guys trying to bulk up by lifting weights, has seen a gradual change. People at the gym now consist of a blend of young and old, some of which are doing resistance training in order to build muscle and bone strength. Bone mass naturally begins to dissipate in your early 30s and 40s. As you get older, you will have to eat less and exercise much more in order to compensate for your slowing metabolism. To make your bones more dense and increase your metabolism, you must incorporate resistance training into your daily regimen. As with any form of exercise, it is never too late to begin your very first resistance training program. Senior citizens in their 70s to their 90s have been known to do resistance programs successfully up to three times a every week. The study showed that it actually increased their bone density, ability to move, and their physical strength. Arthritis has been shown to greatly diminish in its effects on those that perform these exercises. Those that regularly perform resistance training, especially older people, can see an improvement in the quality of their lives.

Fearing the gain of too much muscle mass is why many women refuse to do a resistance training regimen. If you do not eat a lot of foods that will cause you to both, and you do not work with heavyweights, you have nothing to fear. A simple way to not build any muscle mass, yet get into phenomenal shape, is to do lots of repetitions with a lighter amount of weight. To improve the strength of their bones, women are being urged to do resistance training. Osteoporosis can begin around middle age, thus lifting weights should be done at the same time to offset this disease.

What you have just read is merely a summary of many of the positive components of doing resistance exercise. The best way to begin is to find a physical trainer that can help you get started properly. If you just start lifting weights or using machines that you're not familiar with, you could injure yourself. When the exercises are done correctly, however, you can gain many benefits from a resistance training program.

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