Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weight Loss with Kettlebells

It wasn't that long ago that most people, outside of Russia anyway, had never heard of kettlebells but now they're everywhere. Kettlebells are now highly recommended for improving strength and fitness as well as losing weight. Are these oddly shaped weights actually an effective weight loss tool? There is some evidence to support this claim since many people have lost weight and gotten fitter using kettlebells. The following are some of the features of kettlebells and how they can help you with your weight loss goals.

One of the most basic kettlebell exercises is the swing. Perform this exercise by picking up the kettlebell from a standing position and then you swing it between your legs. You can use either one or both hands, and the emphasis of this exercise is in the hips and legs, rather than the upper body. Using a fluid, relaxed motion, inhaling on the way down and exhale at the top of the movement. Doing this exercise works many different muscle groups, especially your core, and also increases your heart rate so you'll be burning calories. Use a weight that you're comfortable with when you first start out to help avoid an injury.

The squat is a well-known exercise performed with free weights, as well as kettlebells. As a matter of fact, for a number of people, this is a more excellent and safer technique for doing squats, more than ever if your purpose is to advance your fitness and decrease weight instead of building big muscles. You can perform a squat by holding onto the kettlebell with both hands at shoulder level and clutching it by the weight side instead of the handle. Keeping your back as feasible and the kettlebell gripped in front of you bend your knees into a squatting position. Work your way up to performing 8 to 10 reps of this exercise and make it a regular part of your kettlebell workout.

Kettlebell training has the ability to help you at burning calories and not just while you're working out, but also after you are done working out. This has to do with the afterburn effect, also known as EPOC (Excessive Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption), something that you can only get from intense, anaerobic workouts. A lot of other kinds of exercises don't provide you with this effect, which means that it is essential for you to do them for quite a bit longer periods of time in order to gain the same advantages. Your metabolism is heightened for up to a full day following an intense workout, which is why you should always skip a day in between kettlebell sessions. This is one of the things that cause this to be a tremendously efficient sort of exercise to perform if you're attempting to drop weight.

In summary, people are just beginning to recognize how effective kettlebells can be for weight loss and overall conditioning. Whether you get your own to use at home or go to the gym and join a class, you can boost your metabolism and burn calories in a relatively short period of time. The above are just some of the reasons why kettlebells are becoming an increasingly popular fitness trend.


Adam Davis is skilled in fast weight loss diets and weight loss.

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