Monday, September 26, 2011

Your Health And Appearance Can Improve Dramatically With Resistance Training

As many health experts say, resistance training is a great way to complement your overall fitness program. This may be weight lifting with free weights, strength training machines or any number of exercises done without any equipment at all. Everyone, male or female, from teens to seniors can gain many benefits from resistance training. Once you understand why you should do resistance training, you will never understand why you did not do it before.

Those that are reluctant to begin any kind of physical exercise or training regimen because they have a very busy schedule will like resistance training. They may have heard about bodybuilders or weight lifters who spend half their lives in the gym. However, the fact is that you can gain many of the most important advantages of resistance training even if you only work out twice a week. With a day of rest in between, you should only work out 3 to 4 times a week you see optimal results. Anyone can vary the length of their workouts by doing two or three longer sessions, or doing for shorter sessions depending upon their schedule. By spending only 2 to 3 hours a week at the gym, you will start to see your overall appearance and improve, as well as fat loss and increased muscle strength.

Among its many other benefits, you can improve your emotional state by doing resistance training. Aerobic exercise is well known for producing the "runner's high," but this is also true for weight lifting and other resistance exercises. When doing resistance workouts, it is easy to tire out your body causing this anaerobic effect to occur.

You will find yourself sleeping much more easily because your head will be clear and your stress be much lower. Getting stronger can also make you feel more confident in your daily life. Just like aerobic exercise, there are both emotional and physical reasons for continuing to exercise.

By doing resistance training, you can more efficiently burn body fat. Aerobic exercise is not the only workout routine that you can perform to keep the weight off.

To burn calories faster, weight training is one of the best ways to quickly increase your metabolism. The workout may be complete, but your body will continue to recover and the anaerobic effect linger even longer. If you are trying to lose weight, his workout is just for you. Exercising on a stationary bike or treadmill is a perfect way to add more resistance and improve your routine.

What you have just read is merely a summary of many of the positive components of doing resistance exercise. By locating a personal trainer, you can start slowly and begin to advance in your resistance training. Be sure that your exercise routine, whether you are lifting weights freely or using a machine, is initially easy to do. The bottom line is that your resistance training program can provide you with many positive benefits.


Adam Mason is skilled in fast weight loss diets as well as fast weight loss.

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