Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Secret Anti Cellulite Techniques - A 4 Part Program For Cellulite Removal

First and foremost, you should know that cellulite reduction is HARDLY EVER immediate; even with the top cellulite reducing cream out there. Regardless of what the treatment or product says, you will not be cellulite-free the following morning nor within that week. Actual cellulite removal takes time and in most cases a great deal of patience -- which goes for any & every home cellulite treatment out there.

If you are after impressive results which do not require a ton of effort, then follow this uncomplicated 4-step cellulite reduction system.

1. Get Yourself A Cellulite Massager: You can conveniently pick up one of these handy tools for around $25-60, depending on the features & accessories. Make use of this at-home "gadget" on a daily basis on regions of your skin afflicted by cellulite build-up. Pressure needs to be strong though not painful.

2. Mild Workouts: You won't have to start ultra intense workouts 5 times per week or anything like that, but you will need to get off that sofa a bit more often than normal. Try starting off with 20 minutes of light to moderate cardio exercising 3-4 times per week. (Although every single step of this anti cellulite treatment is important, step 2 is twice as important. Don't skip!)

3. Modify Your Eating Habits: Whatever it is you're eating, stop! Buy a whole lot of fish, poultry, lean meats, fruits & vegetables, nuts, berries, fruits juices, and just about anything else that's all-natural. These are the only substances you ought to be consuming, at least for the first couple of weeks/

4. Start Applying Cellulite Creams: You can not apply a cheap skincare lotion, as it will not do anything whatsoever to help the situation. Instead, you'll have to do some light research online and locate a cellulite lotion which is actually worth using. If you have at least half a brain, your search should not take more than 15 minutes or so. Take into account that most reliable cellulite treatment creams are located via websites, NOT shopping malls! Once you've got your anti-cellulite cream, utilize it 2-3 times every day; morning, afternoon, and evening,.

If you want to get rid of the cellulite within your body, or just decrease it to some degree, then follow this amazingly easy anti cellulite treatment. The results will not appear instantaneously, but they WILL be spectacular to say the least -- you just have to give it time.

For more information about ionithermie cellulite treatment and other cellulite treatment methods, head over to, a popular web site focused on helping women of all ages remove and prevent cellulite build up.

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