Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Need To Choose The Right Exercise

The type of exercise you do all depends on you and what you like to do. There are other things, though, that you want to evaluate, such as the activities you dislike, your budget for gym membership fees and the question of whether to buy equipment or not.

Opt to do something that you don't enjoy doing and best bet is that you'll give up on it in due time. If you hate to run, for instance, the last thing you want to do is wake up early in the morning, put on your running gear and get out and run. If you can't find something you like to do, choose something you hate the least, which will normally be walking.

Walking is a very versatile way to stay fit, as just about anybody can do it. It may be brisk walking or casual walking, but a walking program can be started at any time by any person from any walk of life. Walking is also a social exercise, as it isn't difficult to find a training partner to chat with while you exercise. Having a walking partner also helps the time pass by quicker.

But regardless of the type of exercise you opt to do, you should always start with the proverbial "baby steps", slowly intensifying your training regimen as the weeks pass. If your intensity level is too high when you start out, this puts you at serious risk of injury.

If fitness never was on top of your priority list, you'll want to start taking ten-minute walks once a day. After two weeks, increase your walk by five minutes, and so on. To make things more interesting, you should try walking a different course every few days. Or you can create a lineup of friends/walking companions and rotate them per day of the week depending on their availability.

If walking isn't your thing, then you may want to try a fitness center. They have loads of variety and normally have trainers on hand to answer any questions you may have. When you choose a fitness center, make sure that they give good service.

If they treat you like a second class citizen from the moment you step inside, they will continue to do so if you become a member. Also be sure that the equipment being used is well maintained. Determining the machines' own level of fitness can be done by listening to them. If the machines are noisy or if it looks like some parts are about to fall off, then that certainly means they aren't well taken care of.

Golf and tennis are two sports you may want to try if walking or exercising at a gym aren't your cup of tea. These are sports that don't require ridiculous size or athleticism for success, and best of all, allow for social interaction too. Tennis helps keep you fit and healthy and is simple to learn, but not exactly the best activity if you're just starting to exercise again. Golf would be a far better option for those who have not had quality exercise, if at all, in some time.

Author bio: Tim Watts publishes a collection of quick recipes. The all recipes site is categorized, so it's easy to find what you're looking for.

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