Friday, April 20, 2012

Fitness Equipment Maintenance for Beginners

Many individuals are now preferring to work out in the privacy of their own abodes so it is no longer considered surprising that a lot of people are now also starting to invest on home gym equipment. Developing your own gym set up is a good idea but neglecting to take care of them is not. The fact is, there is no point if you cannot get the maximum amount of usage you should get from an expensive equipment . There are just those, however, who are just not knowledgeable enough when it comes to taking care of their home gyms. Because fitness equipment maintenance is of utmost importance, provided in this article are some advice on how to prolong the shelf life of your equipments like multi-gyms, exercise bikes, treadmills, and elliptical machines.

One of the things that you should consider are the bacteria, germs, and dust that may build up on the fitness equipment. The equipments should be kept squeaky clean by washing it with a diluted bleach solution of a disinfectant intended for a commercial fitness facility. The handlebars of the machine are the parts where bacteria mostly accumulates so it is important to wash and wipe them regularly. Dust is also a big problem in terms of fitness equipment maintenance since it can heavily affect your equipment's inner-workings. Wiping your machine using a dampened cloth can help keep the dust from building up on its gears and surface. An equipment mat can also prevent the build-up of dust in your machine.

The small and essential components of the equipment should also be checked. Checking your machine for loose screws, bolts, and other essential parts that hold your equipmen together every month is important. Ensuring the status of these parts can help you avoid accidents especially when you are running top speed on your equipment.

You should also be aware of the noise your equipment is creating and the unusual sounds that it may be producing. Identify where the sound if coming from by listening to it closely. Instead of trying to fix it on your own, call an expert if you think there is a problem with your equipment instead of trying to fix it on your own.

Every 2 months, the programmes, speeds, incline, and resistance levels of the machine should be tested. Furthermore check the machine's cables to see if they are frayed or stretched out of shape.

In other words, the chances of you destroying your fitness equipment can be lessened if you use and maintain it properly. If you have already invested on it, then you should not neglect fitness equipment maintenance. Take care of yourself by taking care of your machine.

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