Friday, June 24, 2011

Taking A Quick Look At The Ab Circle Pro Machine

Taking A Quick Look At The Ab Circle Pro Machine

Infomercials as well as land-based health and fitness stores seem to be flooded with fitness equipment. One of the most talked about products since its launching is the Ab Circle Pro machine. It provides a different approach in toning down the midsection. While others got you lying on your back, this one takes you on your knees.

A huge portion of it is a red disc where all the other parts are attached to. The swinging arms each has cushioned knee bowls. Right in between the handlebars an optional fitness computer may be installed. It displays revolutions done, workout length and calories burned. The product is a system; you also get a diet plan and 2 workout DVDs.

Assembling it is the first thing that has to be done to get your routine started. That's one of the downsides, as other abdominal equipment require no assembly. There's a pin that has to be inserted in the right hole to offer the proper resistance for beginners, intermediate and advanced users. Maximum user weight is 275 pounds.

Positions which can be done while kneeling on equipment are varied. They include left side flexion, right side flexion, left crawl, right crawl, bun and thigh move, and others. It's important to know all these positions especially when using the 2 workout DVDs. Other than the included ones, there are optional workout DVDs available.

For those who can't put up with doing sit-ups, crunches and the likes, this product can be very convenient. There are other body parts which also get some level of working out other than the belly area - arms, shoulders, thighs and chest. However, using this equipment alone won't provide you the washboard abs you've always wanted to have.

Spot reduction of fats isn't a reality. You need to use the Ab Circle Pro machine together with sensible eating. For such, refer to the diet plan included. It's also important that you workout your entire body as that's the only way to melt off those fats. Through such, flattening and toning your belly area with this product becomes more effective.

Click here to learn more about this topic: ab circle pro, ab circle pro and ab circle pro workouts program

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