Saturday, June 4, 2011

Potentially Unsafe Weight Loss Methods to Avoid

Are you trying to lose weight? You can find lots of great information and perhaps you already have a diet plan in mind. Because it's hard to follow a diet and exercise daily, some people decide to use weight loss methods that can be very risky. Most commonly, women are resorting to these dangerous methods as they feel pressured into being thin by society. It is more frequent for women to employ these extreme methods because of society's constant pressure to be thin. It's great to be a healthy weight, however adopting these methods of weight loss will result in your overall health diminishing and you will get ill. Today, I'll be discussing these methods so that you can avoid them.

The most usual drastic diet plan is starvation; not consuming much food at all, resulting in your energy levels going down. You may could not have breakfast or lunch, or perhaps both meals. Even though your body is forcefully telling you that you're famished and need food, you tell yourself mentally that you're not hungry. The body is extremely adaptable, nonetheless, and gets started to adjust to its new reality. As you consume less and less, your body gets anxious that it won't be given food so your metabolism decelerates drastically to preserve energy, meaning you will burn off less fat throughout the day. Unfortunately, once you go back to eat a regular diet again, your metabolism will continue to work slowly, and you are apt to quickly put on more fat as you won't burn calories quickly enough. While you lose weight when you starve yourself, you do not lose as much as you can by observing a good diet and exercise plan. Don't you suppose it's better to be able to eat and lose weight while remaining healthy?

Anorexia can be a consequence of you not eating. You start to be constantly afraid that you will become obese and so you fear food, eat as little as possible, and become alarmingly thin. Anorexia causes you to develop a weak immune system and can eventually lead to death. Many adolescents try starvation diets but, when you become obsessed with starving yourself, it can eventually led to anorexia which can damage your body and your health.

Binge-eating syndrome is another unsafe weight loss method. Bulimics binge out on food and then barf it all up so that their stomach doesn't digest the calories. Although bulimics do not fear food such as anorexics do, they throw up the food that they ingest because they feel guilty for eating such large amounts. Binge-eating syndrome is difficult to identify because bulimic individuals ordinarily maintain the same basic body weight. Vomiting your food is tough on your body. Your heart and other vital body organs can be gravely affected. Stomach ulcers may come about because of the continual vomiting of food. Your esophagus mught be damaged by the stomach acid and your teeth could lose their enamel. Acid stings and your throat won't be able to escape it. Continual vomiting of your food can cause severe damage to your body.

The best approach is to eat reasonable portions of healthy foods. Try to keep the less healthy food out of your diet as much as possible and choose smaller meals. It is possible to truly slim down without trying such dangerous methods.

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