Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Truth About The Ab Circle Pro

You've probably heard of Ab Circle Pro, the abdominal exercise machine, and perhaps you're wondering what makes this different from the hundreds of other fitness machines on the market. Can this machine really help you lose weight and give you toned abs like those of the fitness trainers who model for it on TV? The purpose of this review is to give you some information about the Ab Circle Pro to help you decide if it's worth purchasing.

The most vital benefit that the Ab Circle Pro has over a majority of other machines or exercises that pay attention to the abdominals is that it doesn't just work your mid-section, but it provides you with a total workout. While a great deal of people wish to have six-pack abs, or to decrease their belly fat, it's really essential for you to exercise all of your body in order to drop weight and get in better shape. Even while you are working out your abdominal muscles with the circular motion of the Ab Circle Pro, you're furthermore getting a cardio workout, which aids you in burning calories. Plus it is a positive thing to do for your heart and general fitness to have an aerobic workout, which you wouldn't be getting if you just did crunches or sit-ups. This makes this machine more beneficial than just doing exercises that work on only one group of muscles. The main complaint users have with this machine is that the padding provided is not sufficient to properly protect their knees. The position you need to be in when using the Ab Circle Pro leaves you on your knees putting the most pressure there. Adding athletic knee pads is one solution those who find this a problem have used to correct the problem. If you are prone to injury in the knee area these extra pads are a good idea anyway.

There are three levels of resistance to choose from with the Ab Circle Pro. Since we all start out at different points this can be helpful. People range from seriously obese with no recent exercise history to the physically fit trying to gain some muscle tone. Since the Ab Circle Pro is adjustable for any level you don't need to worry that it is too easy or too hard for you. At first you'll want to start with the easiest level to allow your body to adjust to the movement before moving up. You'll experience a higher level of satisfaction if you start out on the easy levels and move up to the advanced levels as your fitness level increases.

The Ab Circle Pro is a useful tool for anyone who wants to lose weight, increase fitness and increase abdominal strength without having to leave their home. The above points have show the convenience and versatility of this machine. However, if you intend to order the Ab Circle Pro be sure you will actually use it, it can't help if your don't use it. This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on designer reading glasses.

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