There are umpteen reasons responsible for back pain. This type of pain becomes typical as we grow older. This is caused due to the changes in the muscle power, bone density and disc structure.
Lower back pain is very common however pain can occur just about anywhere. If you're lifting heavy objects, that might be the reason behind it. Lifting heavy objects causes muscles to overstretch and may sometimes also cause the disc to slide from its original position. This accounts for severe pain in the lumbar region. The pain may be acute, chronic, sharp or dull. The disc might bulge or rupture when the spine is overworked. In fact, it may even result in mal functioning of certain parts through which these innvervate as these damages exert pressure on blood vessels.
Sometimes, extreme lower back pain is caused by accidental damage that accounts for muscle damage. There are many other causes which include viral infections, osteoporosis, joint diseases, arthritis and other spine malformations. Improper standing, sitting and also sleeping postures cause lower back pain. Being over-weight, pregnant or not doing exercises may also add to the pain.
It's also caused by internal medical conditions sometimes. Kidney dysfunctions, bowel syndrome, etc also contribute to back pain. Diabetic patients also experience severe back pain because of nerve damage! Before they reach chronic stage it has to be treated.
For extreme lower back pain, there are quite a few treatments. Physicians recommend appropriate treatment for back pain. Back pain is a result of stress and strain of muscles. Thus, it's very important to take proper treatments.
There are many medicines with anti inflammatory power which you can use to reduce the pain. Warm compressor is another treatment. It includes warm bath which results in decreased muscle tension and increased blood circulation. This will rapidly heal back pain. Proper exercise is also important to relieve back pain. You have to consult physical therapist to learn right exercise and have to do them properly. There are many muscle relaxers to keep your muscles away from tensing.
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