Obesity is like a diseases dreaded but suffered by many. Six out of ten people are said to be obese. With this, diet fads became the center of attention of many. There are too many diet suppliments and diet programs sold everywhere for people who are already frustrated with their bodies.
For safe and effective diet regimen, proper protocols are to be followed. Diet methods with HCG was introduced by Dr. Simeons A natural hormone called HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin is present in the placenta of a pregnant woman that aids in the endocrine functions is found to be capable of altering the human metabolism, according to the Simeons Theory.
The individual is going to crave less and less as the hypothalamus is being reset. In order to achieve the trim and beautiful body figure, certain dieting instructions are followed accordingly. Phases of dieting process are involved which also are composed of varying instructions per phase. Changing the normal calorie intake and the speed of the fat burning process is the goal of the program.
The ultimate calorie requirement in an HCG diet program is only 500 per day. The dieter must follow it everyday with the aid of HCG. After that phase, the dieter will move on to the maintenance phase where food is slowly reintroduced and the normal calorie intake is again achieved, but keeping the body from gaining weight again.
There are two types of HCG diet application: they are the injectable HCG and HCG drops. There is a constant argument which type works best. Well, there is really no recorded differences with the results between injectable HCG or HCG drops. The only observable difference is actually the diet kit's prices. An injectable is definitely much expensive than oral drops. HCG shots are given only once but can be self-administered. Most using injectable HCGs need to go on regular clinic visits that can definitely increase the cost of the diet program.
The HCG drops are applied up to six times everyday sub-lingually. The dieter must have the right self-discipline in order to religiously take the drops needed per day. Also, most people do not like needles at all. They can inflict anxiety to anyone but the sub-lingual drops are definitely easy to take so most dieters prefer them than injectibles.
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