Monday, February 13, 2012

Productive Weight Loss Through Metabolism Adjustment

A lot of people are also thinking about pharmacy technician salary. If you're like most of the people out there, you have tried a number of different diets and obtained a different degree of successes. Therefore, this points to the fact that the article on how to become a psychiatrist and another trend how to become a pharmacist, are becoming more popular. You probably have dropped a few pounds, until you get to a certain point, and then you don't lose any more, whatever you do. This plateau is hit by most people and is common amongst all of the different diet plans. It's not possible to avoid the plateau problem if you don't learn how to fool your metabolism.

You most likely have already dealt with this plateau, which will normally end the diet plan with lots of frustration. This is an unusual thing that takes place to even the most successful dieters sometime around the third or fourth week of the diet they have selected. Until that point weight is coming off and then it simply quits, and practically nothing works to keep the body losing weight. This is your body reacting to the changes you are putting it through. Your body decelerates your rate of metabolism when you get to this point as it wants to protect you from accidental starvation. What this does, then, is prevent your body from shedding any more excess fat.

Most people therefore give up at this point because they believe this is all the weight they can ever lose. At this time they return to eating, and putting on their excess weight back plus even more than they dropped usually. The best way to stop this is to pick a diet where your calories merely get shifted. What you want to do is eat a different number of calories every single day, which theoretically helps you trick your metabolism. If this works, it helps to keep your body from flicking the switch and going into protective mode. Your metabolism will continue to function as normal and therefore enable continuous weight loss. If you get to this point, you have passed your plateau and your diet will keep working the way it was designed to work.

It is very easy to integrate this type of plan into your everyday living. One of the more popular caloric shifting techniques is the 15 day method. This program goes for two weeks: you do regular things for the first eleven and then during the last three you eat anything you want. You move your foods each day, tricking your metabolism, and for three day eat what you want, preventing the plateau. This can also help you from being frustrated with a stringent diet plan. You can actually keep repeating these 15 days until you really feel happy with the amount of weight you have lost.

Yet another popular program is the 2 day plan in which you eat regularly one day and the following day cut your calories by between twenty and thirty five percent. Keep repeating the method for as long as it takes you to reach a gratifying level of weight loss. This program is great for helping you get past your plateau and lose the weight you want to lose so you should check it out.

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